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About Us: Headliner
Michael & Amanda in Tubingen, Germany

A Bit About Us

Imagine. Dream. Explore.

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Novel Excursion Travel! This endeavor is a dream come true for me. My wife, Amanda, and I are thrilled to embark on the journey with you.

Our Mission:

“Change the world one nameless stranger at a time.”

Novel Excursion Travel started as a home-based travel agency in partnership with Travel Quest Network in August 2020. I started the company as a way to embrace my love of travel and share it with the rest of the world. However, when I began to think about why I loved travel and how I would sell it, I realized that my passion all started with books. My love of learning was integrally connected to my love of travel.

Wherever I found myself in the world, I realized that I was always referencing this story or that story. A good story can take you miles away in a blink of an eye. After living and working in Germany, it became clear that these magnificent settings are scattered all across the globe just waiting for us to uncover. The opportunity let us travel by every mode of transportation across the European continent, visiting 27 countries.

Shortly after founding the travel agency arm of Novel Excursion Travel, Amanda and I came to the conclusion that it could be our way of building a truly location independent lifestyle. The timing could not have been more perfect as we were both transitioning out of long-term careers, we had our second child, I was editing my first novel, Amanda was a full time postgraduate student, and we began homeschooling our daughter in response to COVID-19. This is when we decided to think broader and make Novel Excursion Travel a multifaceted travel brand.

We hope to create a community that supports a healthy, sustainable, culturally-sensitive, and open-minded world full of active learners and service-driven people. My father once told me that we can never stop learning as long as we keep an open mind. This is the philosophy we hope to inspire and cultivate at Novel Excursion Travel.

Amanda and I have experienced our fair share of adversity but we found that if everyone could just love each other, nothing is insurmountable. We will continue to grow as life takes its turns and Novel Excursion Travel will evolve with the times. We look forward to bringing stories to life with you and writing new tales, whether its a family adventure trip, Disney destinations, European all-inclusive excursions, or something completely off-the-beaten path. That's what life is after all.

It is all about the NExT chapter!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again for joining our adventure.

Happy Travels!

-Michael & Amanda 

Think big, act small.

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27 and counting! Join our journey to 195.

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